Where is Parsley Health located?

Visit us at one of our Centers in New York City or Los Angeles. Specially designed to promote calm and healing, our Centers follow local and national guidelines for COVID safety to keep our members and employees safe.

If you live near one of our centers in Los Angeles or New York City, you have the option of in-person appointments. If you don’t live nearby or would prefer the convenience of virtual appointments, you can talk to your Care Team through secure, face-to-face video on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Click 'Join Now' to find out if we are available in your state.

Due to licensing and Telehealth regulations, you must be physically located in the state that your Clinician is licensed in during each visit. 

This means, if you are moving, you may need to transfer to a new Clinician who is licensed in the state that you are moving to.  Please reach out to your care team if you have any questions! 

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